Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006

time: 1:26:436
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 41
wind: w 15 mph
damp gray world again
sleep: 8 hours
pre-run intake: lots of coffee
p’s: 4 clear
hot jam: rapture (blondie)+rock & roll(live version)(lou reed) + the originators (jaz featuring jay z)+rise (live version) (p.i.l)+nuf respect (jaz)
long train delay on clinton
Saturday, January 28, 2006
we endorse this analysis of the blood of the condor exchange.

start: 10:00 am
time 1:22:58
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the irc to melrose to lower finkbine trail to rocky shore dr to normandy street. to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 41
wind: sse 11 mph
p’s: 3 yeallowish/clear +clear
sleep: 6 hrs
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
mark a dragged me through it
Friday, January 27, 2006

are you a dissident hustler who loves to show out?
contact me about getting rrr tank tops and one of a kind hoodies.
each bears the image of tommie smith and john carlos, gold and bronze medal winners in the 200 meter sprint, with raised black-gloved fists and lowered heads on the podium at the 1968 olympics. they were inspired by harry edward’s olympic project for human rights. according to smith his raised right fist symbolizes black power and carlos’s left symbolizes black unity. smith wore a black scarf for black pride and neither man wore shoes, for black poverty.smith adds that his jacket was unzipped “epresenting shift workers, blue-collar people, and the underdogs. … those are the people whose contributions to society are so important but don't get recognized." the silver medalist, peter norman, a white australin, wore an olympic project for human rights pin. smith and carlos were stripped of their medals, suspended from the us track team and barred from the olympic village. they also received death threats. of the aftermath, carlos said, "my family had to endure so much. they finally figured out they could pierce my armor by breaking up my family and they did that. but you cannot regret what you knew, to the very core of your person, was right." smith added,"the ridicule was great, but it went deeper than us personally. it went to our kids, our citizen brothers and our parents. my mother died of a heart attack in 1970 as a result of pressure delivered to her from farmers who sent her manure and dead rats in the mail because of me. my brothers in high school were kicked off the football team, my brother in oregon had his scholarship taken away. it was a fault that could have been avoided had i turned my back on the atrocities."
run run revolution: the best in athletic clothing.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
start: 12:50
time: 1:13:35
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy to rocky shore irc spur, to first avenue, across the footbridge through the development, down foster to taft speed way to dubuque, to kimbal to dodge.
temp: 42
wind: sse 13 mph
blue skies
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
p's:1 clear
time: 1:13:35
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy to rocky shore irc spur, to first avenue, across the footbridge through the development, down foster to taft speed way to dubuque, to kimbal to dodge.
temp: 42
wind: sse 13 mph
blue skies
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
p's:1 clear

it seems the whole blood of the condor thing was a "misundertanding:"
Mr Hayek:
I am the instructor of the proseminar showing Blood Of The Condor. Perhaps using Sanjines' own description of the film was a bit provocative, as it was meant to be.
I am well aware of the debate over whether peace-corps workers participated in forced sterilization in Bolivia and plan to discuss it at the screening. I also plan to discuss the often problematic role of aid workers in imperialism.
The announcement you received was a standard form used by the Institute For Cinema and Culture. The listing of sponsors is in no way meant to imply that the content of the films express the opinion of the University of Iowa (and it is far from clear to me what it would mean for a large organization, such as a university, to have an opinion.) Furthermore, the list was not meant to suggest that the sponsors assert the truth of any claims in the film or its promotional materials. The list is merely names those organizations that generously funded the series.
As for your generous offer to show films at the englert, I have been extremely interested in this possibility for a number of years now, but last time I spoke with Justine, she told me that film exhibition had been prohibited by the terms of the sale of the englert to the city. Has that changed? Is there a projector in the building? I would happy to work with you in creating a film series.
Louis-Georges Schwartz
Assistant Professor
W 221 AJB
Department of Cinema & Comparative Literature
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
tel: 319-335-0639
On Jan 26, 2006, at 11:59 AM, Matthew J. Hayek wrote:
Mr. Creekmur,
Thank you for your email message. I certainly do not mean to unleash a University-wide protest, but I think my message from yesterday was misinterpreted. I would never want a film of this kind withheld from an academic (or other) audience. And I agree there is significant pedagogical value in screening and discussing the film.
My point is not that including the film in your series implicitly or explicitly asserts its truth. Rather, the announcement asserts the film's truth -- to wit, "tells a quasi-historical narrative of a Peace Corps medical clinic that was sterilizing..;" "based on actual events which occurred in Bolivia...;" "director Jorge Sanjines straightforwardly tells the Indians' story....;" and so on. Listing the co-sponsors immediately following such language, while perhaps not uncritically endorsing the politics of every film you show, does link your co-sponsors to a particular description of the film. Perhaps a less editorialized description would have been in order. Perhaps your co-sponsors aren't concerned.
The film did have a significant impact in Latin America, and not just Bolivia. The Peace Corps did not return to Bolivia until 1990 in response to a cholera outbreak that decimated much of the Andes. I spent two years bringing potable water and latrines to Quechua villages much like those in the film.
I am impressed and pleased that the University is showing the film. While I cannot make the screening, I am sure a meaningful discussion will follow.
-Matt Hayek
P.S. As president of the Englert Theatre board of directors and someone who enjoys a variety of film genres, I would love to see screenings like this at the Englert. Consider this a pitch to the University community!
Matthew J. Hayek
Hayek, Hayek, Brown, Moreland & Hayek, L.L.P.
120½ East Washington Street, Iowa City, Iowa 52240-3976
Tel.: 319.337.9606 Fax: 319.338.7376
-----Original Message-----
From: Corey Creekmur []
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:15 AM
To: Davies, Diana K
Cc:;;; Matthew J. Hayek;;
Subject: blood of the condor
Importance: High
Dear all:
I am writing in my capacity as the Director of the Institute for Cinema and Culture, which is responsible for the film series on Human Rights Film this semester: that series, organized by Assistant Professor in Film Studies Louis-Georges Schwartz, includes a screening of the film BLOOD OF THE CONDOR.
We fully recognize that this is a controversial film being screened in a series of controversial films. Even if the film might be characterized as "political propaganda," that claim in itself does not challenge the film's widely recognized importance in the history of Latin American cinema, nor does it challenge the potential pedagogical value of screening and discussing the film. (One could even argue for the unusual importance of training students in the critical reception of political propaganda.) The inclusion of the film in the series -- which includes documentaries, experimental films, and fiction films -- does not implicitly or explicitly assert this film's (or any film's) "truth." Indeed, issues of representation, and their often conflicted relationship with historical facts and political perspectives, are at the heart of our teaching of cinema at the University of Iowa.
This film series, while functioning as a class, is also open to the University and general public: all are invited to attend and participate in the discussions that follow each screening. We thus welcome respectful critical responses to and debate over any film in the series. At the same time, we must resist any suggestion that we should withhold material from our students or the general public that is controversial, debatable, or in some sense "untrue" (a common characteristic of the explicitly fictional films in the series, including BLOOD OF THE CONDOR). We understand our co-sponsors for the series to be encouraging exactly such critical viewing and intellectual inquiry, rather than simply supporting an evening of entertainment, on the one hand, or uncritically endorsing the politics of every film we show, on the other.
Even a quick search reveals that BLOOD OF THE CONDOR has the subject of a great deal of critical commentary, and thus a key text in the field of film studies. Exposing students to such texts -- and the critical discussions they generate -- is central to our mission as educators. The film is included in most major film studies and Latin American research libraries, and is consistently included in course syllabi at major universities. Just a few examples of sophisticated discussion of the film, including the controversies it generated, can be found at:
Corey K. Creekmur
Director, Institute for Cinema and Culture
DEO, Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature

one of us is showing jorge sanjinés' yawar mallku (1969) (blood of the condor) in a film series we put together about human rights. the film shows us peace corps workers particiating in the forced sterilization of bolivian peasants. it's unclear whether the sterilization is metaphorical or meant to be "based on actual events." the film stimulated anti-us sentiment in boliva, from which peace corps was expelled in 1971. eventually, this email reached our desk.
Don’t know if this has made it’s way to you or not. Who is the faculty person who is discussing the film? It’s probably worth prodding the speaker today to let him/her know that there might be someone in the audience coming at this with some base of information and a distinct hostility to the movie. Just so the person helping you out is prepared in case hostile questions start coming up.
From: Davies, Diana K
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:37 AM
To: Creekmur, Corey; Cmiel, Kenneth J; Weismann, Amy
Subject: FW: disturbing flyer
I apologize if you get multiple copies of this message from Bill, Tom, or others, but I thought you’d want to know about this. --D
Diana K. Davies
Director of International Programs
226 International Center
University of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242
Tel. 319-335-0371; Fax 319-335-0280
From: Baldridge, Thomas H
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:56 PM
To: Reisinger, William M; Davies, Diana K
Subject: FW: disturbing flyer
Bill & Diana -- FYI. Matt is a former Peace Corps volunteer who worked in Bolivia. He is the youngest of the Hayeks in the family law firm and highly regarded in town.
From: Matthew J. Hayek []
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:10 PM
To: Baldridge, Thomas H
Subject: disturbing flyer
Hello Tom,
Check out the attached flyer, which my law clerk showed me earlier today. She is an Iowa undergrad and received it from her Spanish teacher.
"Blood of the Condor" was a political propaganda film from 1969 that depicted fictional Peace Corps volunteers who sterilize Quechua Indian campesinas. The Peace Corps has always denied sterilizing women; there is no documentary or other evidence suggesting volunteers engaged this or any other improper behavior; and the film director himself admitted that the story was based on the claim of a deceased friend of his that Peace Corps volunteers might have been up to no good. In short, the film is propaganda. The actors who play Peace Corps volunteers are, as I recall, Germans with bad accents.
That "Blood of the Condor" created a groundswell of emotion and girded President Torres, the nationalist leader who came to power after a 1970 coup, is widely known. If a film class wants to study political propaganda film, great. But this flyer references several U of I departments. The content, which speaks for itself, appears to be sanctioned by the U of I.
I don't know what you know about these departments, or the individuals listed at the bottom of the flyer, but I thought I would forward this to you.
(RPCV Bolivia 1992-1994)
Matthew J. Hayek
Hayek, Hayek, Brown, Moreland & Hayek, L.L.P.
120½ East Washington Street, Iowa City, Iowa 52240-3976
Tel.: 319.337.9606 Fax: 319.338.7376
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

start: 10:33 am
time 1:09:25
route: dodge street to brown to Dubuque to taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dodge
temp: 33
wind: nw 9 mph_
bright blue sky
p’s: 0
sleep: 8 hours
pre-run intake: 1 cup coffee
hot jam: i got it like that (jungle brothers)+galang (m i a)+heathen (bob marley and the wailers)
Monday, January 23, 2006

time: 1:16:41
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 31
wind: w 6 mph
damp gray world again
sleep: 7 hours
pre-run intake: 1 cups coffee
p’s: 1 clear
hot jam: in the pines (nirvana)
Sunday, January 22, 2006

time: 1:21:38
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 31
wind: s 5 mph
damp gray world_
sleep: 7 hours_
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee_
p’s: 3 multi-vitamin yellow / clear_
hot jam: trouble man (marvin gaye)+the boston rag (steeley dan)+mr dobalina (del tha funky homosapian)

time: 1:21:38
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 31
wind: s 5 mph
damp gray world_
sleep: 7 hours_
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee_
p’s: 3 multi-vitamin yellow / clear_
hot jam: trouble man (marvin gaye)+boston rag (steeley dan)+mr dobalina (del tha funky homosapian)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
mr & smith

the new world isn’t terrence malick’s only film about romance gone wrong in a stunning natural setting, but it is by far his least rigorous. while rrr managed an iota of interest in the counterpoint between the almost hysterical pace of the movies parade of signs the “art cinema” and the pseudo-tarkovskian slowness of its narrative, we find it hard to believe that any thought, much less 30 million dollars went into its production.
rejecting the cheesey period-piece cgi of, for example, the patriot (2000), the film gives us landscapes in slow camera movements, subjective voice-overs tending towards asynchronious sound, the mise-en-scene of famous paintings and the “haptic” fall of light. all presented free of the relentless inventiveness in kubrick’s barry lyndon(1975).
unlike that film, the new world avoids strangeness or even “defamiliarization.” the “lush beauty” of emmanuel lubezki’s cinematography (see also lemony sincket’s… (2004) and ali (2001)) and craig berkey’s sound design (see also charlie’s angels: full throttle (2003)and x2(2003)) make us feel nothing but the deadening weight of bourgeois cinema’s lingua fanca; no doubt because these gentlemen are industry hacks, the cinematic equivalent of studio side men in a keith richard’s solo project. the decision to leve collin farrell’s decidedly non-17th century tattoo’s visible feels like a stale leftover from chantal akerman’s portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à bruxelles(1994). (it doesn’t it seem to connect to anything else in the film, unless we count the cheesily anachronistic use of wagner’s rhine theme.) as our colleague ofer eliaz pointed the politically disgusting return to “nature” as tragedy’s soothing ending lacks any originality since it repeats the ending of badlands(1993) (the film that appealed to rrr’s reprehensible auteurist hopes.) however, some of us (jrc) point out that the ending, and it’s cliché feel work to undermine the romantic notion of a new world by making it clear that the old same stories will repeat themselves in america , forever and ever, amen. the films very stupidity becomes a critique of colonization.
the new world display’s costumes (designed by jacqueline “the banger sisters(2002)" west as relentlessly as mr and mrs smith, though with better ligthing (see especially the camera’s love affair with a tweed worn by christian “cast-against-type” bale.) we get some hot buckskin leggings and a variety of english dresses on q'orianka kilcher, the royal outfits in king james’s court, and a elaborate traditional garb on “the naturals” (which jrc noted seemed overly ornamented.) all of this, along with the film’s conceptual vacuity and hollow pretense, made rrr feel as if we had been home alone with nothing to read but a ralph lauren catalogue from a season with a period theme.

time: 1:21:24
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 27
wind: s 8 mph
gray skies snowy streets
sleep: 6 hours
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
p’s: 1 clear
hot jam: gansta gansta (nwa)
Friday, January 20, 2006

time: 1:15:10
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
wind: N 7 mph
back in the gray world
sleep: 7 hours
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
p’s: 0
hot jam: thinking about jrc’s concept of diegetic territories and koreeda’s afterlife
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

time About 1:05 (no watch)
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque park drive to rocky shore irc spur, to first avenue, across the footbridge through the development, down foster to taft speed way to dubuque, to brown to dodge.
temp: 22
wind: sw 10 mph
blue skies
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
chit chat with mark andrejevic
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

start: 6:00 am
time 1:10:00 (no watch)
route: route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dodge
temp: 20
wind: nw 20 mph
moon in broken clouds, slow dawn
p’s: 0
sleep: 4 hours
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
hot jam: you know I got soul (rakim and eric b)

start: 6:00 am
time 1:10:00 (no watch)
route: route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dodge
temp: 20
wind: nw 20 mph
low clouds broken by blue
p’s: 0
sleep: 4 hours
pre-run intake: 3 cups coffee
hot jam: you know I got soul (rakim and eric b)
Monday, January 16, 2006
start: 9:17 am
time 1:16:50
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 38
wind: calm
low clouds broken by blue
p’s: 0
sleep: 8 hours
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: passionate kisses (mary chapin carpenter)+self obsessed and sexy (sonic youth)+central reservation (beth orton)+case of you (joni mitchell)+what I got (sublime)+last child (live version)(aerosmith)+personality crisis (ny dolls)
time 1:16:50
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 38
wind: calm
low clouds broken by blue
p’s: 0
sleep: 8 hours
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: passionate kisses (mary chapin carpenter)+self obsessed and sexy (sonic youth)+central reservation (beth orton)+case of you (joni mitchell)+what I got (sublime)+last child (live version)(aerosmith)+personality crisis (ny dolls)
Sunday, January 15, 2006

start: 10:16 am
time 1:22:21
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the irc to melrose to lower finkbine trail to rocky shore dr to normandy street. to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 40
wind: se 14 mph
clearing cirrus clouds golden sun
hr max: 167 (93%)
hr av: 152 (85%)
p’s: 0
sleep: 8 hrs
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: freak of the week (parliament)
Saturday, January 14, 2006

start: 8:45 am
time 1:21:37
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street to melrose to irc trail to dubuque to brown, back to dodge, to gooosetown store to get a toothbrush for jrc
temp: 29
wind: w 3 mph
blue skies
hr max: 171 (96%)
hr av: 143 (80%)
p’s: 3 clear
sleep: 8 hrs
pre-run intake: o cups coffee
hot jam: psychofunkin’ (booya tribe)
Thursday, January 12, 2006
start: 10:30 am
time 1:25:50
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy street to rocky shore dr. to lower finkbine trail to melrose to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 50
wind: s 8 mph
blue skies
p’s: 0
sleep: 7 hrs
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: all the drugs (courtney love)
time 1:25:50
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy street to rocky shore dr. to lower finkbine trail to melrose to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 50
wind: s 8 mph
blue skies
p’s: 0
sleep: 7 hrs
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: all the drugs (courtney love)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

start: 9:45 am
time 1:17:02
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 35
wind: s 15 mph
hr max: 164 (92%)
hr av: 155 (87%)
p’s: 1 yellowish-clear
sleep: 5 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: lessons learned from rocky l to rocky lll (corner shop)+houses of the holy (led zepplin)+thunder (prince)+head on (jesus and mary chain)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

start:11:00 am
time about 1:05 (no watch)
route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dodge
temp: 35
wind: se 8 mph
pale blue skies
p’s: 2 clear
sleep: 8 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: what’s my name (snoop dogg)+show me the way (dinosaur jr)+hitting switches (eric surmon)+the trouble with the truth (patty loveless)
Monday, January 09, 2006

start:11:21 am
time 1:07:02
route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dodge
temp: 35
wind: ne 9 mph
some gray
p’s: 1 clear
sleep: 8 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: living with the law (chris whitley)+aquaboogie (parliament)+black man in charge (the jaz)+ white riot (the clash)
Sunday, January 08, 2006

start:11:48 am
time 2:03:11
route: dodge street to prairie du chine across damn to dubuque to linder back to prairie du chine back to dodge
temp: 44
wind: ne 13 mph
some sun and blue
hr max 169 (94%)
hr ave:146 (82%)
p’s: 3 yellowish clear
sleep: 10 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: i aint heard of that (slim thug featuring jay z)
Friday, January 06, 2006

start: 7:03 am
time 1:34:52
start: 7:03 am
time 1:34:52
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy street to rocky shore dr. to lower finkbine trail to melrose to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 8
wind: w 8 mph
cold gray dawn
p’s: 2 yellowish clear
sleep: 5 hrs
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: feel i what feel (lo-fidelity all stars) +boys & girls (lady sovereign, mc shystie, roc & frost p)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
the chronic what
the chronicles of narnia (adamson, 2005) isn’t disney’s only attempt to make the children of the world pay for their own indoctrination into the ideology du jour, but it is among the least compelling. the dour kids in the film flee blitz era london (the costume department’s excuse rock the frump like rotten banana republic refugees) and are inturned in the back of a wardrobe called narnia (the costume department’s excuse to rock uniforms from medieval tymes.) tilda swinton, who seems to have acquired a taste for paychecks when she became pregnant, wanders around the wardrobe as the white witch, sporting dreadlocks and vintage visigoth regalia.
sure, it’s the wrong time for a christian allegory, what with pat robertson acting like bush’s assassination advisor and monastic phonesex freaks like bill oreilly putting the christ back in christmas. nevertheless the film’s real ideological work isn’t promoting the use of jesus christ as our personal savior, rather it’s instilling the assumption that we can’t run away from war. what do the kids find in the wardrobe? a battle between a sentimental lion and a castrating bitch. at least it’s a cool war with knights and centaurs, and one the kids can win, unlike the blitz, which is just drab and scary.
sure, it’s the wrong time for a christian allegory, what with pat robertson acting like bush’s assassination advisor and monastic phonesex freaks like bill oreilly putting the christ back in christmas. nevertheless the film’s real ideological work isn’t promoting the use of jesus christ as our personal savior, rather it’s instilling the assumption that we can’t run away from war. what do the kids find in the wardrobe? a battle between a sentimental lion and a castrating bitch. at least it’s a cool war with knights and centaurs, and one the kids can win, unlike the blitz, which is just drab and scary.

start: 8:21 am
time 1:31:451
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to the iowa river corridor to napoleon park back to clinton to prentice to bowery street to governor to brown to dodge
temp: 32
wind: nw 12 mph
hrm failure
p’s: 4 yellowish-clear/clear
sleep: 6 hrs
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: texas eagle (steve earl)+’nuff respect due (the jaz)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

time 1:10:38
route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy street to rocky shore irc spur, to first avenue, across the footbridge through the development, down foster to taft speed way to dubuque, to kimbal to dodge.
temp: 37
wind: w 15 mph
gray skies, gray river, gray trees
hr max: 205 (115%)_
hr av: 162 (91%)
p’s: 0
pre-run intake: 2 cups coffee
hot jam: fight the power (isley brothers)+frederik (patti smith group)+nino bomba (plastelina mosh)+rise (pil)+washington bullets (the clash)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

start: 10:10 am
time 1:16:40
route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque to city park to normandy street to rocky shore dr. to lower finkbine trail to melrose to irc trail to dubuque to kimbal and back to dodge
temp: 39
wind: s 6 mph
hr max: 179 (94%)
hr av: 157 (82%)
p’s: 2 clear
sleep: 6 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: brimful of asha ((fatboyslim mix) conorshop)+you turn me on i’m a radio ((miles of allies version) joni mitchell) +mistadobolina (del tha funky homosapien)
Monday, January 02, 2006

start: 12:41 pm
time 1:05:06
route: route: dodge street to brown to dubuque taft speedway road to last right to foster rd past gross peninsula development onto peninsula across new footbridge to first street, to irc trailhead behind jack in the box to rocky shore to park to kimbal to dogde
temp: 39
wind: n 9 mph
hr max: 175(98%)
hr av: 149 (83%)
p’s: 3 clear
sleep: 8 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: she hates me (puddle of mud)+express yourself (madonna)+three is a magic number (de la soul) + driving on 9 (breeders)
Sunday, January 01, 2006

start: 12:45 pm
time 1:59:27
route: route: dodge street to prairie du chine across damn to dubuque to linder back to prairie du chine back to dodge (11.4 miles)
temp: 39
wind: e 12 mph
low gray skies w/ some variation
hr max: 168 (94%)
hr av: 144 (82%)
p’s: 2 clear
sleep: 10 hrs
pre-run intake: 4 cups coffee
hot jam: time (richard hell)